Financial statement appeal and a thank you

Thank you for all your support over the past year which has made a tremendous difference to the seafarers we help around the world.

There is no doubt that our services would be more limited without your financial support, for which we cannot thank you enough. As you can imagine, it continues to be a difficult time for seafarers, with little shore leave taking place, as masters and ship operators prevent or limit time ashore, to reduce the impact on the health of the ship’s crew. Consequently, our worldwide teams continue with the large volume of shopping which has been needed over the past two years. Not able to pop to a local supermarket or pharmacy, seafarers are highly dependent upon the friendship, willingness and availability of our worldwide team in over 200 locations. Your donations have helped us maintain our services worldwide during these difficult times. We have been concerned to keep them all open, despite lack of local funds. With small numbers of seafarers allowed to visit centres, this has been particularly challenging for our staff in terms of upkeep. But the continuity of funding we have received from individuals like yourself means that our services remain robust, active, ready and able to respond wherever and whenever a seafarer needs us.

New Trauma brochures for Ukrainian and Russian seafarers are circulating, and we are giving free SIM cards and MiFi units to front-line staff to assist communications. Your continued giving to our work is so important. It means we can plan and improve our services for seafarers and their families where and when they need us and in times of emergencies, now and in the future. It is my pleasure to share with you some of the vital services provided to seafarers in the last year, all made possible through the voluntary donations received from you as one of our valued supporters.

We recognise and thank you, if you have responded to our Lent and Ukraine Appeals, but some may not have had the chance to do so. So, each year we give you – our supporters – the opportunity to review the different options available in which to support and help sustain our services.

£7 per month will help a seafarer communicate with family giving peace of mind knowing they are safe

£15 per month will help sustain our support to these brave men and women seafarers

£30 per month will help provide counselling for seafarers

You could:

  • Consider setting up a direct debit.
  • Consider increasing your existing direct debit.
  • Respond when you feel able to, to our appeal letters.

Your regular support enables the Mission to continue providing and maintaining services in these key areas:

  • Justice and welfare – Campaigning tirelessly for the rights of seafarers
  • Ship visits – Being there for seafarers when at their lowest or highest
  • Seafarer centres in over 200 ports – Providing a safe place for seafarers away from home
  • Feeding families in Tuticorin – Supporting seafarers and their families

One of many seafarers we have supported through your kind and generous donations sends this thank you:

“Thanks for not forgetting us.”

If you would like to help seafarers, or show your support, please do so by clicking here.

With kind regards,

The Revd. Canon Andrew Wright

Secretary General, The Mission to Seafarers

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