How can we help you?

Are you one of the 1.89 million people working at sea, or the loved one of someone who is? We work in over 200 ports across 50 countries around the world and are available 365 days of the year. Our network of chaplains, staff and volunteers can help with any problem – whether it’s emotional, practical or spiritual help that you need.

Find a centre

Are you looking for a seafarers’ centre, to request transport or to arrange a visit from a chaplain? Find out where we work around the world and how to get in touch with the local team.

Search Our Ports »

Contact a chaplain

Whatever type of help you are looking for, and no matter what your nationality, gender or faith, our team of chaplains are here for you. We also provide emergency support for seafarers experiencing welfare or justice issues.

Find out how can we help »

Complete our happiness index survey

The Seafarers Happiness Index is a chance for crew to share how they feel about life at sea today. From wages and workload to shore leave and family contact, the anonymous survey offers a unique platform for seafarers to have their voices heard by the industry.

Find out how to take the survey »

Family support network

Our Family Networks in the Philippines and India provide an essential link between seafarers and their families. From skills training to community events to counselling, MtS is here to build community resilience and provide holistic support to seafaring families.

Find out more »

Sign up for The Sea

The Sea is our quarterly seafarers’ magazine which features a fantastic array of articles and insights, aiming to keep seafarers up-to-date with all the latest new and developments in the industry.

Find out how to sign up »

WeCare programmes

We believe that positive mental health and wellbeing is essential for the safety and prosperity of every seafarer. Our exciting range of learning resources empower seafarers with the knowledge and tools to address challenges and manage their wellbeing.

Read more now »

Our mission is to care for the shipping industry’s most important asset: its people.

The dangers of being a seafarer can be huge, and include shipwreck, abandonment and being separated from those you care about. The Mission to Seafarers is a great source of support for anyone working in the industry.

Our services include:

  • Ship visits – we carry out approximately 39,000 ship visits a year, welcoming crews to ports and offering practical and emotional assistance.

  • Transport – our teams can arrange free transportation to the local town, shopping mall, doctor, dentist or a place of worship.

  • Seafarers’ Centres – we operate over 120 Flying Angel centres around the world, offering visiting seafarers a safe space to relax, purchase supplies, seek support for any problems and stay in touch with their families.

  • Emergency support – our teams are trained in pastoral support, mental health first aid and critical incident stress counselling. We can also provide advocacy support.

  • Family networks – we operate networks in the Philippines and India where seafarers’ families can meet, share information and access support.

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